Motorway Patrol is a New Zealand observational documentary show created by Greenstone Pictures. The show follows the daily lives of police officers patrolling the motorways in and around Auckland, New Zealand's largest urban area. Series 15 of Motorway Patrol is Currently Airing on TV. and Series 16 is in Production and set to Screen on TV2 in 2015
About the show
Police pull over drivers on the motorways of Auckland for all sorts of suspected infractions of the law, including dangerous driving, speeding and when vehicles are 'unroadworthy'. There are major road accidents, suspects caught with illegal substances and much more, thus offering a certain type of drama and action for the viewer. In 2009, Australia launched its own version of the New Zealand series, titled Highway Patrol.
The show depicts the police involved in high-speed police chases, attending major road accidents, confronting out-of-control drunk drivers as well as issuing lesser penalty notices to drivers. Each episode follows the progress of a select few incidents involving various Highway Patrol officers, from the first encounter by the officers through to the officers leaving the scene, with the exception that occasionally the officers will escort a driver back to a police station for the purpose of a breath or blood sample. Fines, court convictions and demerit points issued in relation to each incident are shown in a voiced-over addendum at the end.
Season 1
See also
Highway Patrol -
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