Bands on the Run is an American competitive reality TV show which first aired weekly on VH1 from April 2 to July 15, 2001. The show featured four unsigned bands competing for a prize package which included $50,000 in cash, $100,000 in musical equipment from Guitar Center, a showcase in front of recording executives, and a fully produced music video to be aired on VH1. In the season finale, it was revealed that the band Flickerstick won the competition.
Each band plays a gig in a selected city. The act that makes the most money from ticket and merchandise sales wins. They set the prices. They promote the shows. All they have to survive on are $20 a day per band member, gas and phone cards, and a hotel room.
â" VH1, "Bands on the Run" Website
§External links
- Official Website
- Flickerstick's Official Website
- Harlow's Official Website
- Josh Dodes Band's Official Website
- Bands on the Run at the Internet Movie Database
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